Sunday, September 1, 2013

I stuck to it ....well for the most part !

As I write this I can honestly say I'm a little proud of myself.....yes, just a little bit proud.

I said I was going to ride Red horse in the arena working on specifically collection and flexing, so I did, now I will openly admit that as an old re-rider that has not been riding much (HArdly Atall), I am not always motivated physically to saddle up, I am always motivated mentally, aaaaaand it's been getting worse.
Along with not saddling up comes getting very out of shape for riding and just life in general, which I must change for health sake anyway.
So when you do go to saddle up a 17hh horse it seems like such an effort, honestly by the time I was done grooming I felt like my work out was done....but I didn't stop there oh no I kept right on going until you guessed it the saddle was on!

I then took my good ol boy and went to the very important mounting block, next thing you know I was aboard and off we went. We opted for the indoor arena as the dust is fairly non-existent in there and we started off at a collected walk, I'm not going to lie that horse made it hard for me to keep him collected at a walk but we got it most of the time.
To make my job easier I kept him in a nice circle not using the whole arena, then we picked up that trot .....ohmyGod....I felt like we were every which way, between posting and attempting to keep Red on the circle and collected YIKES....but we got it....not the entire time but we had moments of good stuff!

I have to say it was not a long work out since the two of us were not at our best so to speak, well one of us more than the other, but it was good, very, very good!

The best part of the work out for Red horse....until next time happy trails !