Thursday, June 17, 2010

Been a while "do ya think" and my mare

I could start off with many excuses for not being faithful to my a new baby granddaughter and prior to her arrival in to the world, I dedicated 2 of my days off to babysitting my 3 year old grandson as mom was on bed rest. Of course my oldest grandson graduated 5th grade, YEAH buddy, you go......then my youngest daughter graduated high school, which was a HUGE present to me on my birthday........yes I have even aged during my time away.

So now that I have validated my lack of blogging with some excuses I feel better, but what I need to blog about is my mare!

My mare.....I will have to blog her whole story soon as she will be bigger than life on this blog......however today I just want to make the announcement that I, an older responsible (or so I like to think) woman, who supports rescues and always will,  made the well thought out decision  to breed my mare.

Yup that came as a shock to many people and yes many raised an eyebrow at my decision....I agree wholeheartedly that there are TOOOOOO many horses in rescue, and in need of homes, I agree with that statement! I will help in anyway I am able when it comes to those horses in need, that's a given.

So here is my story .... I used to fantasize about raising my very own from day one foal .... well myself and the mare of course.
Sometimes with quiet time at work I would look through at possible sires to said foal........during one of my peeks at the site I came upon a perfect QH stallion, chestnut with 4 white socks and appropriately named "Wrangle socks", I even sent pictures of him to my sister stating that this should be my foals sire.
As fate would have it I meet a woman and her husband at my horse trainer/ friends place, where my mare was in speaking with them I find they own "Wrangle socks".... OK some may call me a foolish old woman but I just knew at that point this was meant to be. Now that wasn't logical at all was then agonizing over the very real decision started, should I breed my mare when there are so many un-wanted horses in the area never mind the country.
So I began the internal debate......I have dedicated my life to rescue.....all my animals are rescue with the exception of my gelding "Red", who had been another agonizing decision to buy a young healthy good minded horse as apposed to adopting another rescue.......that one was easy.....heck yes I needed my kids to have a safe, healthy, young horse to ride. As we had just had to put down a wonderful rescue horse that was to far gone to make it (I have never seen my youngest daughter stand for hours keeping a horse company as she did with that one) then the hours spent crying when we had her put down,  with that I felt I was allowed to give my kids and myself a gift.
So with all of that in mind, my decision to breed my mare I decided is my gift to myself and my grand children, I will of course keep the foal for life as that's what I do...he or she will never be at risk nor will mother or is Red horse (I have to add that Piper LOL a sense of responsibility)....I will from day one be able to have contact with he or she and develop a relationship and bond that will be like no other, I will have my family take a big part in the foals life so the bond will develop with them as well.
My other hope for this foal is that he or she will turn out to be a competitor in the barrel racing world.....that may or may not happen, but the breeding is there so chances are there as well........again if this isn't meant to be then it wont happen, but that is OK!
So, with all that said I do hope to have a little one next year and yes this is the only one I will take part in bringing in to the world, what fun will be in store if all works out and we are blessed with the gift of "Bobbie socks" or "Bobby socks", if is it's a boy.
It's an old ladies dream and I AM ALLOWED TO HAVE IT AND MAKE IT REAL ...... to all those that have raised your eyebrows!
For everyone else I will keep you updated as this is truly an adventure of a lifetime:)

Until next time.....happy trails!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Trail wimp

Another eureka moment I had when I came back to horses was the day I realized "I'm a trail wimp".
These moments are hard for us re-riders because ... well there are a lot of them, but this one really hit hard.

I got to my horses one morning with my sister, we were going to take a ride with a dear friend who rides the trails often. I get Red saddled up with a western saddle my sister decides to ride I have to say little Fancy the horse my sister was riding was like sitting on a couch she was comfy, so don't feel bad for Gina this was her choice.
Anyway we head out in to the great beyond the wind blowing in our hair.....just a beautiful day and our mounts were fabulous as always.
As I trailed along behind my friend I was sort of day dreaming of days when my body was much younger and I used to race through the "jumping trail" in Bridle trails state park across from our house......yes, I would haul through there with my Thoroughbred jumping everything with what a great trail rider I was.
I even went further back to living in up-state NY, I would ride with a neighbor or alone, didn't matter, I was out in those trails bareback most of the time running for glory.......yes those were the days!
Just then I realized they are by far not I am still riding the trails, YES I am as kick ass as I ever and my big bay horse.....yup we bad and we know it!

As the ride went on my friend took a small trail off to the left on the logging road.....see I know where that sucker is to this day.......anyway she was scooting along on her very energetic Morgan...beautiful horse and a good trail horse, my sister was coming along behind me on this fun little trail it was rather nice good footing yes I liked it.
Now my big bay horse would take his time but we stayed in fairly close proximity to those in front and behind..........but all of a sudden I looked a head and my friend had word she had just vanished.
I called out her name and she called back, I rode a few more feet only to reach the top of a vertical drop.....wholly mother of beat all, there was my friend at the bottom of what looked to be a serious fall off of a of course I yell are you OK....."of course" she says are you coming down........I'm thinking the woman had fallen, she couldn't have pitched herself and her horse off this cliff willingly, could she?
Well yes she had, she had intentionally taken her horse down the cliff and she wanted me to do the same.....good God this was not she yells up "do you want me to come back up?
For the love of Pete I'm going to have to plunge to my death on my faithful big bay horse just to save face....OH GOD WE"LL DIE!
Now my big bay horse was only 5 years old at the time and the trails were new to him, however he loved heading in to them, he loved these trails.......he was not as perfectly sure footed as the Morgan she is a trail master, but he held his own..........more than anything I trusted him, trusted him to do his very best sister, well I know she was thinking the same thing I was and yes she was bareback, YIKES.
I stood at the top of the vertical drop I calmly took my reins and hooked them around the saddle horn then I silently said a which time I closed my eyes and urged my big bay horse to lunge over the cliff, the big bay horse did take a rather large jump over the edge but then he realized he needed to slide on his butt or he would fall.......well that big bay horse was no fool and he did not want to fall......he also knew I was atop having an out of body experience so I was of no use to him.....he tucked that big butt right down and made his way down the vertical drop with out fact the only incident was my sisters little gray horse giving out a big buck for joy when they hit the bottom of that cliff my friend calls a hill!
Yes we made it safe and sound, me with white knuckles wrapped around the saddle horn my sister kinda white faced and my dear friend with a look of puzzlement on her face.
Nothing more was said that day about my near death experience.....however I knew at that point that I was a trail wimp.....oh that hurts.....not my big bay horse nope he was brave, just me, I was the trail wimp.
I remain to this day a "trail wimp" not that I don't go out in to them I do, I just have to swallow my pride and let others know.... I am Gerri and I am a trail wimp!

Until next time .....happy trails!

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Bumble Bee halter

When your horse prances out of the barn in a brand new bright yellow halter with black fuzzy covers to make it not only comfy but fashionable, it is obvious to those around you that you are an older woman who is suffering from the early stages of empty nest syndrome.......I like to say it's the re-riders syndrome.

Yes indeed I spent many many years dressing up those little princesses........those days are over and I know it, but that doesn't mean I have to stop, no just change who I dress up and so I have.
I love going to the tack store or the feed store anywhere there are new bright, pretty things to purchase for my horse, I need this, I want to buy a pretty then take it to the barn put it on my horse and beam. However when your horse is at a stable where there are hard working young people who spend the day polishing their horses performance under saddle then throw any old brown halter on their horse, you have to do this on the down low.....which is hard to do when the new pretty looks like a bumble bee.

I recently had a rather embarrassing moment with my horses trainer........I got to the barn to find my horses pretty black halter with little silver horses running on it, broken in to pieces.
I was told that my sweet little mare got very angry at being tied to the wall while others were being worked so she sat down with all the force of a mac truck backing up and broke her pretty.......oh well I said no worries I'll get her another:)
In my mind I was thinking YES a good reason to go buy another pretty, so I did. I found the buy of the month staring right at me it was bright yellow and pretty......but better yet I found the fluffy black comfy halter covers to make it even more comfortable for my sweet mare to sit her extra wide quarter horse rear down and break this one......what a buy.
Except, when I got back to the barn and realized that I wasn't going to live this one down easy, I not only purchased the brightest halter I could find I was rewarding her for breaking her other one. So I had to try and keep it quiet ..... then the moment came when the trainer asked is that Flirts new halter, the one that looks like a bumble bee? Oh lord she was smiling and I know what she was thinking so I used this to my benefit and said no I'm going to use it on White, her horse that had a head injury, he will be comfortable in it.........she knew, oh yes she knew, but that was that White had a comfy new halter, of which he does deserve.......and yes I ran myself back to the tack store and found a bright green pretty with little silver horses on it for that halter breaking sweet girl of mine......and in my car to this day are white fuzzy halter covers which I will put on the NEW pretty I spotted, for the day she graduates from training......oh what fun!

Until next time happy trails, and hold your head high when you ride by the others with all that bling on your horse .... I do!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


As we age we feel that we lose many things, such as our once firm bodies, our ability to run with wild abandon, to feel completely free from responsibility, just to name a few.
This is very true for the most part and varies from person to person, however we gain many, many, things in place of the ones we no longer have.
When I came back to horses there was one thing I realized I gained of which I consider the most wonderful GIFT.
One of the driving forces behind me blogging about the GIFT tonight is a very dear friend who I spoke with briefly through e-mail today........this friend is one that has the GIFT,  I don't believe we all receive it, we must first be open to it, but my friend Tina has the GIFT.
Our GIFT is simple yet so wonderful that it is by far the one thing I cherish above all else when it comes to interacting with my is the GIFT of patience, I don't mean just patience, I mean PATIENCE.

I had the opportunity over the weekend to really use my GIFT. I was helping to watch over some horses for a friend, during this time a young one suffered from a terrible colic, this young one had come from a bad place at one point in time so he was not in any way going to just let me help him, no he was frightened and determined, not to mention a rather skittish fellow.
It is at a time like this that the GIFT really comes to me and makes me so thankful for it.......when you have the ability to just stand for hours and stroke the scared little soul and let him know that you have as long as it takes to help him get through this painful time.....the episode took the day and in to the evening....the vet had to come finally but not before I had to run to several places to pick up items to help the young one, all of which I was happy to do.
Then there is the very long time it took trying to administer aid, all of which was rejected big time.......this was when I would groom or just stroke gently until the young one would give that little look of trust, just enough to let me help a tiny bit .......there was a day I would have gotten frustrated and got it done with out the patience and care I was able to extend to the young one.
Now, I don't know for sure but I am all most positive there was the look of thanks in that young geldings eye while I was tending to him ever so gently and with all the patience in the world.....what I do know is my heart and mind were at peace, as worried as I was for the young one the calm was overwhelming, it came from patience.

This same patience is what created a bond so strong between my young mare and myself......I sat for hours when she arrived un-handled, terrified to be touched, my GIFT allowed me to make a connection with my mare that will last a life time, it is the most precious GIFT!

I need to end by saying that yes the young gelding pulled through a life threatening impaction that caused the colic, I felt blessed that my GIFT allowed me to take the day and evening to comfort him. I also was blessed to have my young mare across the isle way in a stall nickering to me and reminding me that maybe I have lost a few things but I have gained so much more with age......I certainly gained the GIFT of PATIENCE!

I thank my friend Tina for reminding me of one of the most special GIFTS our years have been kind enough to bestow on us......she never even said a word about it, she just has it, she has helped many a horse with her GIFT ones that may never have experienced this prior in their life time.......thanks Tina for all you do!

Until next time happy trails!

Friday, March 26, 2010

The mount.........

Well this is not my favorite subject, but what the heck it's got to be discussed sooner or later right.

Going back in time many many years ago this was actually a fun thing.......I remember doing the old stand facing the back end of your horse then catapult your toned young body right up on the big ol boy.......yup that was one way, then there was running up behind and leaping on to his back via the rump........and those were just two cute little examples of what we could do just for fun.
Now, that didn't include proper mounting for the show ring or during a lesson.....those were also done with ease that I now look back on with gut wrenching envy!

OK so that brings me to today.........mounting my horse sounds simple, in my head it is simple........yet when I try to throw my still long but strangely not quite the same looking leg up on my horse, if I'm lucky I would hit him about mid section and have him bolt sideways and look at me with the "why did you kick me for no reason" look....other wise I may hit under the belly which would generally knock me on my ass as the horse bolts forward and I have no doubt wondering "what the HELL did I do".
 So to keep from injuring myself and having my horse look for an opening to escape prior to the mount, I got smart I started using, YOU guessed it, the mounting block!
Now, we all say the same thing when we crawl our ever growing behinds up on one and try to align Trigger up next to it, and I quote "it's so much better for his withers I would never just mount from the ground" yep that's what we say.
We are right when we say this because if we were to get lucky enough to get our foot at the end of our not so toned leg in to the stirrup we would hang on poor old Triggers withers WAY to long, yes those withers may start to lean if we were to attempt this it is the truth yet a sad truth because if our youth had not escaped us we could still throw that leg right up on the horse with out ever giving his withers the slightest pull.

But that's OK it's our story and we are all sticking to it, at least I am!

One word of advise from one who knows... due to "not wanting to pull on our faithful mounts withers".....scan your area and the trails you ride for those mounting blocks on the go... such as good sized rocks, logs etc... it makes it so much easier to know where they are and plan your dismount if you need one, walking three miles looking for a "mounting block" can be really tiring not to mention you can only say "I don't want to injure his withers" so many times with out feeling like your horse may be chuckling along with the others in your riding party......especially if some are still at that throw the leg over from a stand still age.

Another word of advise......yes this mounting incident was an actual event......when attempting to mount from a mounting block if you are mounting a bareback horse, such as my nicely rounded young QH...., NEVER and I mean NEVER.... grab the rail on the other side of the horse as it may make a strange squeaky noise which will cause your nicely rounded young mare to bolt back away from the noise, then do a roll back mid air and head off across the arena hell bound for you are suspended from her side hanging on to the mane yelling whoa.... and when she does whoa... then out of complete fear of you hanging from her side bolts the other way and you fall on your back in the dirt, you will realize this was a mistake......then when your sweet young mare comes walking over wondering why you are lying on your back in the arena dirt you wont feel like shooting her because she should have known MOUNTING is NOT easy for you and you needed the hoist from the freaking squeaky rails to get on her back!!!!
So remember that.... yes... this was an actual event that only myself and my sweet young mare was a learning event.

Another NO NO is mounting your horse in front of a non rider who you are on a date with......yes again this was an actual the non rider may say something like "WOW that was a struggle I thought you would just jump right on" which point you are 100% sure you know what you are NOT going to jump right on to... fact this may be your last date with said non rider!

Well this about wraps up mounting, at least I touched on a tiny bit of the struggles I have encountered as a is my hope this may make someones life a little easier, that was my goal, that and making sure "I don't hurt his withers"

Until next time, happy trails!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

White ears.....

White ears, now keep in mind when I say or type "White ears" I literally shake in fear so this may be very hard to get through........although it also may be a healing moment for an old horse woman.

Lets start out by stating a known fact, at least known by all who know me........I love Red horses......any shade of Red, light, dark, even a beautiful blood bay:) (which isn't really considered Red, but it is to me)......this is a fact and now I know why!

So I take you back to a moment in time a few years ago when I was taking dressage lessons, during those lessons I would generally ride a black horse, some times a Red horse, but never the less they were all good rides owned by un-named trainer, I was enjoying the lessons......then one day the horse I would generally ride came up lame.........enter..... "White ears".

I'm leaning against the hood of my car outside talking to my sister....yes we were taking lessons together because that is what old horse women do to feel young again......and to regain their once very well positioned hands and seat.......anyway here comes un-named trainer with a White horse, we will call that white horse Mr. White ears for the sake of anonymity.

So, un-named trainer says "how about riding Mr. white ears, you may do very well on him you're a quiet rider" I, being in the dark about Mr. white ears past pipes up with "sure he looks fine" un-named trainer states "he's a little forward but you will probably like that", OK it's a done deal.

I don't remember now if my sister said something or if it was the look of horror on her face....but I decided to put on my brand new never used in the trunk in case of the look of horror on my sisters face ...... helmet, yes today I will try out the never used helmet.......oh good move on my part.........the horse Gods actually must have entered in at this point.....on the helmet went and we were off to our lesson.

Yes it was a lesson, a lesson I will never forget, because by the grace of the horse Gods I was spared complete and permanent brain damage at least I think I was.

Said lesson started as normal, myself my sister and another gal all heading in the same direction around the arena....un-named trainer standing by the door (probably getting ready to run out from what she knew was about to happen).
Mr. white ears started to crow hop, now as all of us horse folk know if you just circle quietly and move forward the crow hop will eventually quiet down......needless to say it didn't!
Why in the ever loving world of sports I didn't take this as a clue to get off of Mr. white ears and lunge him I will never know.....oh I should interject this was my first ride after major surgery to boot.
Anyway as you may have guessed the crow hopping escalated.... to rearing, bucking and I'm not quite sure what other form of athletic maneuvers Mr. white ears was using to off load me......but I hung in there like a friggin rag doll on the ride of her life, until that dreaded but welcomed all the same realization of being off balance to the point of no return have to do something to save your own ass from certain death moment.....yes it was time!
Now at this point I was praying, YES praying for a clean throw.....because all I could see was WHITE EARS and HOOVES.....not a pretty sight in the least!
Finally, I was going to hit the arena ground with all the grace of an elephant going down for a roll in the dirt...well maybe not even that graceful...yes it was time, so I pushed off of the side of Mr. white ears with my foot in hopes of hurdling myself as far away from the horse with the white ears and hooves as possible.
It was like a scene from the Matrix, slow motion with fear running through my old bod like water through a hose........then the blow as I hit ground....I know it was logged as a small earthquake at the university, but didn't have it in me to let them know it was just ME.
Well that was it, yes I had fallen so hard I broke my brand new in the trunk of the car you know the rest helmet, OH YES it broke in several places!
What did I do then...... I got back on the crazy animal and walked around on a lunge line like a perfect example of the word idiot....then I PAID for my fall yes I paid money.....I know you're either laughing because you know I lived, or you are going out to buy the brand new helmet to put in the trunk of your case your sister ever has that look on her face!

One more GREAT moment from that day was sitting in McDonald's with my sister, because I was so shaken I couldn't drive all the way home. My sister exclaimed in all honesty as I told her I didn't feel well.........."you think you feel bad you should be ME, my muscles are killing me from the horror of watching YOU almost die"........I'm sorry sis LOL!

A concussion, a broken finger and two broken ribs later I grew a giant sized fear of saddling-up-again..........not to mention White ears.

I will end this very long blog here, but it's not done....NO not done by any means.....look forward to White ears part two, YES that's what I said...... White ears part two.

Until next time.....happy trails and pay attention to your sisters face!

By the way I am held harmless from any grammar or spelling errors as I can't proof read this.....not yet anyway!

A Standardbred in common.........

I was going to blog about the "white ears" but I will put that off for a day or two due to the 2 followers I have here we have a Standardbred in common.

When I came back to horses the one GOOD move I made was to let my daughter pick out a horse.

We saw an add posted in a tack store showing a Standardbred for sale he was a 4 year old gelding 16.2hh he was in the upper price range but worth taking a look at.
My sister and I went and took the first look.........I say this with all the love and respect in the world, but holy crap that horse had a BIG head:) I left thinking for sure my daughter would take one look and say no way. However my sister was sold on the big headed horse, she loved his kindness and quiet way.
So, as fate would have it my daughter also fell in LOVE with the big headed horse.....his name is "Red Star Tropic" AKA "Red" and yes he was the BEST move that was made in my return to horses!
I need to explain that Red had some challenges that come with every 4 year old horse, even a quiet one.......I got much of my help from one of my followers... Mellisa.
Mellisa runs an online group that helps folks who are taking a Standardbred and re-training for sports other than racing......Standardbreds-starting-a-new-career.....on Yahoo groups.....a really great group by the way!

With all this said I want Mellisa to know that Red horse is and will always be part of my family.With his rock solid mind and brave heart Red taught me to believe in my ability to ride again and ride well......Red helped me to find the courage to work with a young horse that had never been handled, she came from a feedlot and was headed for slaughter.
So as fate would have it again, at the point where I needed to focus on the young one and help her to be the best she can be, my horse trainer told me about a wonderful young couple looking for a BIG quiet good minded horse.
I knew having Red standing in the pasture feeling like the odd man out was completely un-fair, also as long as Red was in the pasture I would not ride another horse......he was my with that in mind I decided to care lease Red to the nice couple, Piper and Derek, so he may have a great time out in the trails with them and their other horse Edgar.
This has been yet again a very GOOD decision, even though I miss Red terribly at times I've been a big girl about it, although I write this through teary eyes, but I trust I have made the best decision for all of us......I happily follow Reds adventures on Pipers blog and Mellisa please do the same, you will get a kick out of the Red horse saga as always.....he's such a character and a beauty.....yes when I look at Red now I see Beauty at it's finest, 17hh with his strong features and brave heart, Red is the best the horse world has to offer....he can do well in any discipline and is happy to try his best......but what the Red horse loves is the trails.
So Red has along with loving new care givers and riding partners, a nutty old horse lady ready to open her arms to Red horse whenever and for whatever reason he may return!

So far this has been a great thing for Red and all involved, I thank Piper for taking such great care to make sure Red has comfortable equipment on and that he is happy and healthy when he's out on a ride........ for all of us with the "Standardbred in common"......may this be a wonderful and safe riding season.........a big thank you to all, and of course......happy trails Red horse, happy trails to all!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

This weeks headlines, gall bladder removal.

So to most of you under 40's having your gall bladder removed would be an inconvenience, a pain, but not a big worry, things will be back to normal very shortly, a little rest and you're good to go.
OK, that is your reality, mine is a little different.....first thought is, holy crap how much worse shape can I get in, will I even be able to feed the horses never mind hoist my ever growing rear end on one anytime soon.
So what did I do, I decided to behave like a... well less than rational thinker.....I made the conscious decision to show no pain at all.....prey animals show NO PAIN!
My first move was to drive just 3 days after surgery to the court house in another city to fight a traffic ticket......wasn't in the mood to fight when I got there, took it like a woman and moved on to the second rather bad home to Sultan.....good thing I work half way so I stopped to say hi because that's what you do days after surgery least not if you have half a brain.
So all this to say growing old truly does make you a dingbat.....yes I face the challenge of getting back on a horse in a few weeks and yes it will be just a little tougher than is was earlier this year.....but by golly I will do it, hell I plan to barrel race this I have your attention.....more to come on that adventure.
Any how I will ride the white horse may not be pretty at first but he's a forgiving sort.
With all that said it brings me to tomorrows post ........White ears.....oh what a story!

Happy trails!

I'll give this a try

Well I decided to take the plunge in to the world of blogging......we'll see where this goes.
As my blog name states, I will make an attempt to talk about the world of horses experienced for the second time through the eyes and mind of a 50+ sort of nutty horse woman.

I should start this out by saying coming back in to horses for the second time is far more challenging than it was the first time at age 9.

I guess the most obvious is the fact that it hurts like "hedoublehockeysticks" when that moment strikes when your precious old bod becomes one with the ground, and I mean any hurts, oh does it ever hurt.....more on this subject at a later's a sore one with me.

Another challenge that is not as painful but a real eye opener, is that it becomes very apparent that it was much nicer when you had a loving father that paid the bill...all of it...yes those were the days....oh how I should have thanked my father way more often than I did!

Then there is the decisions and mass confusion......back in the day I just rode that's what I did and I did it well.........not today now there is thought so much thought that has to go in to every decision I make regarding my horses, I could do a novel on this one, it is a blessing for the horses and yes it may ward off dementia so this is not such a bad thing really.

Well those are just a drop in the bucket of the challenges I face being a re-rider, as some very kind folks call it.....there are many more and I hope to post often as to my daily or weekly episodes.
I do hope this to be entertaining yet blatantly truthful so I'll give blogging a try!

Until the next entry .... happy trails!