Wednesday, March 24, 2010

White ears.....

White ears, now keep in mind when I say or type "White ears" I literally shake in fear so this may be very hard to get through........although it also may be a healing moment for an old horse woman.

Lets start out by stating a known fact, at least known by all who know me........I love Red horses......any shade of Red, light, dark, even a beautiful blood bay:) (which isn't really considered Red, but it is to me)......this is a fact and now I know why!

So I take you back to a moment in time a few years ago when I was taking dressage lessons, during those lessons I would generally ride a black horse, some times a Red horse, but never the less they were all good rides owned by un-named trainer, I was enjoying the lessons......then one day the horse I would generally ride came up lame.........enter..... "White ears".

I'm leaning against the hood of my car outside talking to my sister....yes we were taking lessons together because that is what old horse women do to feel young again......and to regain their once very well positioned hands and seat.......anyway here comes un-named trainer with a White horse, we will call that white horse Mr. White ears for the sake of anonymity.

So, un-named trainer says "how about riding Mr. white ears, you may do very well on him you're a quiet rider" I, being in the dark about Mr. white ears past pipes up with "sure he looks fine" un-named trainer states "he's a little forward but you will probably like that", OK it's a done deal.

I don't remember now if my sister said something or if it was the look of horror on her face....but I decided to put on my brand new never used in the trunk in case of the look of horror on my sisters face ...... helmet, yes today I will try out the never used helmet.......oh good move on my part.........the horse Gods actually must have entered in at this point.....on the helmet went and we were off to our lesson.

Yes it was a lesson, a lesson I will never forget, because by the grace of the horse Gods I was spared complete and permanent brain damage at least I think I was.

Said lesson started as normal, myself my sister and another gal all heading in the same direction around the arena....un-named trainer standing by the door (probably getting ready to run out from what she knew was about to happen).
Mr. white ears started to crow hop, now as all of us horse folk know if you just circle quietly and move forward the crow hop will eventually quiet down......needless to say it didn't!
Why in the ever loving world of sports I didn't take this as a clue to get off of Mr. white ears and lunge him I will never know.....oh I should interject this was my first ride after major surgery to boot.
Anyway as you may have guessed the crow hopping escalated.... to rearing, bucking and I'm not quite sure what other form of athletic maneuvers Mr. white ears was using to off load me......but I hung in there like a friggin rag doll on the ride of her life, until that dreaded but welcomed all the same realization of being off balance to the point of no return have to do something to save your own ass from certain death moment.....yes it was time!
Now at this point I was praying, YES praying for a clean throw.....because all I could see was WHITE EARS and HOOVES.....not a pretty sight in the least!
Finally, I was going to hit the arena ground with all the grace of an elephant going down for a roll in the dirt...well maybe not even that graceful...yes it was time, so I pushed off of the side of Mr. white ears with my foot in hopes of hurdling myself as far away from the horse with the white ears and hooves as possible.
It was like a scene from the Matrix, slow motion with fear running through my old bod like water through a hose........then the blow as I hit ground....I know it was logged as a small earthquake at the university, but didn't have it in me to let them know it was just ME.
Well that was it, yes I had fallen so hard I broke my brand new in the trunk of the car you know the rest helmet, OH YES it broke in several places!
What did I do then...... I got back on the crazy animal and walked around on a lunge line like a perfect example of the word idiot....then I PAID for my fall yes I paid money.....I know you're either laughing because you know I lived, or you are going out to buy the brand new helmet to put in the trunk of your case your sister ever has that look on her face!

One more GREAT moment from that day was sitting in McDonald's with my sister, because I was so shaken I couldn't drive all the way home. My sister exclaimed in all honesty as I told her I didn't feel well.........."you think you feel bad you should be ME, my muscles are killing me from the horror of watching YOU almost die"........I'm sorry sis LOL!

A concussion, a broken finger and two broken ribs later I grew a giant sized fear of saddling-up-again..........not to mention White ears.

I will end this very long blog here, but it's not done....NO not done by any means.....look forward to White ears part two, YES that's what I said...... White ears part two.

Until next time.....happy trails and pay attention to your sisters face!

By the way I am held harmless from any grammar or spelling errors as I can't proof read this.....not yet anyway!

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